Mirage Builders - Custom PC

At Mirage Techs, we believe in value for money. Why spend less for computer system which is not reliable for your needs? You may even spending more maintaining it. We offer affordable and strict quality check with the rigs we built and make sure you get the desired performance for your task from the computer system you purchased.
Our service minimize the service charge and maximize the specs that fits perfectly with your budget and needs.
Ranging from RM1500 to RM10000, we will not give you crappy stuffs.
I have 4 years personal experience in building effective rigs based on needs and budget.
1. Once I paid, when will you deliver?
- The coming's Saturday evening for payment made before Thursday. Next Saturday for payment made after Thursday. Delivery is limited at any LRT stations only.
2. Other place offers cheaper price for the specs you offered.
- Our service is slightly higher than if you are to survey, assemble, settings, carry your rigs at some place. Our service merely aim to save you the survey time, travel time, and settings time. If you want more than what we can offer, don't use our service.
3. How to send for warranty if the rig spoiled?
- As long the stated hardware is still under warranty, you can find us for warranty claiming. Yes, even after 5 years after purchase. Of course we will verify if the hardware eligible for warranty or not first.
4. I want a rig below RM1500 can?
- No. We don't provide a rig with timebomb. We personally don't build our rig with cheap power supply unit and casing for profit. We aim for quality and best possible customer experience with our rigs.
5. May I know the details of the specs?
- We will only disclose the specs. Not the brand or the model number of the hardware we pushed into the rig. We will choose the best possible set up to fit your needs and budget.
6. Can I order rig with side hardware such as monitor, keyboard, or mouse?
- No. We only offer CPU built. This is due our bad experience in claiming warranty for stated hardware.
7. What stuffs will I receive along with the rig?
- The mainboard drivers DVD, the graphic processing unit (GPU) driver DVD, the optical drive additional software DVD (if have), unused extra cables that comes with the mainboard, extra screws, any unused things from the casing, and mainboard & GPU box incase you wish to upgrade those and sell the old.
8. What are the benefits of this service?
- Easy deal.
- You don't keep physical receipt as you will receive a digital receipt that you can print anytime for warranty claims.
- Delivery straight to you. Will even teach you how to handle certain things and explain to you why we chose the hardware.
- Because we are very sensitive about quality and other similar service has been offering low quality rigs with maximized profit.
- As long the warranty of the hardware still good, we will still assist you with the warranty claim.
- Sometimes we got this thing called "supplier surprise" where the supplier will give you a better hardware as an upgrade due to price reevaluation that you don't have to pay extra for the upgraded specs!
contact me at O19-29192OO (Azam) with your budget and your needs (gaming/programming/video rendering/etc etc.)